News list for " sovereign"

Sources say U.S. sovereign wealth fund funding will come from tariffs

Michael Grimes, a technology investment banker who left Morgan Stanley last month for a senior role at the Commerce Department, is expected to lead the US sovereign wealth fund announced by Mr. Trump, according to two people familiar with the matter. The fund is backed by tariffs imposed on foreign countries and discussions are at an early stage, with plans subject to change. Mr. Trump has previously said the proposed new fund could be funded by "tariffs and other measures..."

2025-03-05 18:27:01
TikTok could be a potential investment target for U.S. sovereign wealth funds

The Trump administration recently proposed the creation of a US sovereign wealth fund (SWF) by 2026, and hinted that TikTok could be a potential investment target for the fund. The proposal has attracted widespread attention against a backdrop of challenging US economies and high fiscal deficits. While the idea may seem appealing, analysts warn that without clear planning and governance mechanisms, the fund could do more harm than good to markets and the economy.

2025-02-16 11:04:35
Abu Dhabi Sovereign Wealth Fund Q1 Increases 436 million USD Bitcoin ETF

According to the 13F filing filed by Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund, it increased its holdings in Quarter 1 by $436 million Bitcoin ETF.

2025-02-14 17:18:13
Indonesia will launch a new sovereign wealth fund with more than $900 billion in assets on February 24.

Indonesia will launch a new sovereign wealth fund with more than $900 billion in assets on February 24.

2025-02-13 13:50:16
Indonesia will launch a new sovereign wealth fund with more than $900 billion in assets on February 24

Indonesia will launch a new sovereign wealth fund with more than $900 billion in assets on February 24.

2025-02-13 13:55:32
Industry Insiders: Trump Establishes Sovereign Wealth Fund or Hopes to Acquire Bitcoin Without Bureaucracy

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to establish a sovereign wealth fund, and Flexa CEO Danny McCabe said: "Given the clear US support for digital assets, it is likely that the sovereign wealth fund will include bitcoin and possibly even other'Made in the USA 'digital assets with real economic utility, such as Ethereum. The inclusion of these digital assets will not only provide greater stability to the US economy, but will be a major leap in making the US a leader in digital...

2025-02-04 12:47:01
Norway's sovereign wealth fund CEO suggests doing the opposite, selling U.S. tech stocks and buying China

Nicolai Tangen, head of Norway's $1.80 trillion sovereign wealth fund, said investors willing to buck the market in the coming months should consider selling US tech stocks and private credit while increasing their holdings in China. "The best thing to do is always to do the opposite of everyone else, and what should be done now? Well, if you want to do the opposite, it's to sell US tech stocks, buy China, sell private credit, buy obsolete stuff," Nicolai Tangen said in an interview on the sidel...

2025-01-22 09:10:29
The head of Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund says he remains cautious about cryptocurrencies

On January 20, the head of Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund said that he remains cautious about cryptocurrencies.

2025-01-20 11:21:58
The Digital Sovereignty Alliance (DSA) was established to promote more ethical public policy, research, and education

A non-profit organization called the Digital Sovereignty Alliance (DSA) was established in Washington, USA, and is led by TRON DAO to promote more ethical public policy, research, and education around emerging technologies including decentralized technology, blockchain, cryptocurrency, Web3 innovation, and artificial intelligence. It plans to work with government and industry leaders to emphasize the importance of cryptocurrency technology for economic growth and individual freedom, and to oppos...

2025-01-06 12:30:54
数字主权联盟 DSA 成立,旨在推动更加合乎道德的公共政策、研究和教育

一个名为数字主权联盟(Digital Sovereignty Alliance,DSA)的非盈利组织在美国华盛顿成立,由 TRON DAO 领导,致力于围绕包括去中心化技术、区块链、加密货币、Web3 创新和人工智能等新兴技术,推进更加合乎道德的公共政策、研究和教育,并计划与政府和行业领导者合作,强调加密货币技术对经济增长和个人自由的重要性,并反对过度限制性的监管...

2025-01-06 12:30:54
According to the fund's website, the value of Norway's sovereign wealth fund exceeded 20 trillion Norwegian kroner.

According to the fund's website, the value of Norway's sovereign wealth fund exceeded 20 trillion Norwegian kroner.

2024-12-06 15:05:04
DeFund will airdrop native token D to Celestia pledged users

On October 28th, Sovereign Rollup project DeFund will airdrop native token D to Celestia pledged users. In addition, users who provide liquidity to specific TIA liquidity pools on Osmosis will also be eligible.

2024-10-28 01:34:25

7x24 Newsflash

17:48 2025-03-22
数据:Polygon PoS在三月份使用USDC地址数量超越Base,达91.4万个
Polygon联合创始人Sandeep Nailwal在社交平台上表示,Polygon PoS在三月份使用USDC地址数量上超越Base,达到91.4万个地址,而Base为63.9万个地址。
17:18 2025-03-22
16:57 2025-03-22
据 数据,以太坊过去 7 日净供应量增加 17572.09枚,其中供应量增加约18063.59枚 ETH,通过销毁机制销毁了491.50 枚 ETH。供应量增长率目前为每年 0.712%。
16:26 2025-03-22
据DeFilama平台数据显示,截止3月22日,USDe供应量跌破54亿枚,达 53.89亿枚,过去7日跌幅达1.3%。
15:59 2025-03-22
15:29 2025-03-22
15:04 2025-03-22
15:01 2025-03-22
Ripple本周宣布美国证券交易委员会正式撤销针对该公司长达四年的诉讼,CNBC发文称这代表了美国证券交易委员会多年来针对加密货币行业的讨伐已经结束,Ripple案件或将成为相关诉讼的最后一章,因为本案是在前美国证券交易委员会主席Jay Clayton任职最后一天提起的。CNBC列举称,Coinbase、Kraken、罗Robinhood、币安和OpenSea此前的诉讼或调查均被撤销、解决或搁置。
15:00 2025-03-22
国内新闻:1. 中日举行第六次经济高层对话,达成二十项重要共识。2. 上期所:做好长三角气温指数期货等金融衍生品研发工作。3. 中国发展高层论坛2025年年会明日召开,李强将出席。4. 商务部:对原产于日本的进口间苯二酚继续征收反倾销税,实施期限为5年。5. 王毅出席中日韩外长会时表示,推动中日韩合作在新形势下提质升级 发挥“1+1+1>3”的作用。6. 商务部部长王文涛会见宝马集团董事长齐普策,双方就宝马集团对华合作、欧盟对华电动汽车反补贴案等议题进行交流。7. 国务院副总理何立峰在京会见美国联邦参议员戴安斯时表示,中方坚决反对将经贸问题政治化、武器化、工具化,愿同美方在相互尊重、平等互利基础上开展坦诚对话。国际新闻:1. 为缓解“蛋荒” ,美国从韩国土耳其进口鸡蛋。2. 马斯克确认DOGE阻止对世界经济论坛5200万美元付款。3. 苏丹武装部队22日宣布,已控制首都喀土穆市中心多个重要地点。4. 美国白宫:特朗普不允许哈里斯、克林顿和拜登家人接触机密信息。5. 英国威廉王子身着军装突访北约前线,乘坐坦克视察与俄交界地带。6. 美国新墨西哥州发生发生大规模枪击事件,至少一人死...
14:58 2025-03-22
Bitcoin Magazine在X平台披露数据,本周美国比特币交易所交易基金总计买入8775枚BTC,而比特币矿工产出仅为3150枚BTC。
14:55 2025-03-22
据 Farside 监测数据,本周美国以太坊现货 ETF 累计净流出 1.029 亿美元,5 个交易日均为资金净流出状态。
14:46 2025-03-22
日本上市房企Open House Group宣布接受XRP、SOL和DOGE支付
据PRNewswire报道,日本上市房企Open House Group宣布接受XRP、SOL和DOGE支付,支持国际客户使用相关加密货币购买本地房产,该公司此前已宣布支持BTC和ETH支付并于2022年赞助日本最大的闪电网络社区“Diamond Hands”进行联合研究项目。